



2024-07-20 15:31:54 来源:网络


be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别是什么? -
be devoted to do是不正确表达。be devoted to doing是正确表达,意思是献身于/专注于某事。devote 音标:英[dɪ'vəʊt]   美[dɪ'voʊt]vt. 致力于;奉献给;把后面会介绍。专用于【devote sth to sb/sth/v-ing 例句】1、He devotes his time to the gard后面会介绍。
Both are right.前者你可以将其当被动语态来理解He devotes all his life to the reach.The magazine is devoted to medcine care.


devote是及物动词,必须接宾语那为什么可以用 be devoted to doing
因为be devoted to doing是固定搭配和用法,意思是献身于/专注于某事。例句:1、All his spare time has been devoted to learning English over the radio.他所有的业余时间都花在通过收音机学习英语上了。2、The rest of the article will be devoted to planning for and recovering from this las是什么。
to是介词,后接动名词。即doing。所以应接to doing be devoted to doing 把时间献给做某事;热衷于;致力于做网络释义1. 把时间献给做某事②be devoted to 是【过去分词演变来的形容词短语】be devoted to doing sth 把时间献给做某事2. 热衷于be committed to doing commit oneself说完了。
be devoted to doing是什么意思? -
"Be devoted to doing" 是一个短语,意思是专心致志地做某事,全身心地投入到某项活动或事业中。例如:她是一位教育家,她全身心地致力于改善学生的教育。She is an educator who is devoted to improving students' education.)
be devoted to doing sth 词语用法:devote的基本意思是因特殊用处或目的而心甘情愿地献出某物,即“把…奉献,把…专用于”,常表示由于如同起誓般紧迫的动机而放弃和献出。devote是及物动词,常接时间、精力、生命等抽象名词作宾语,而“专用”和“奉献”的对象则由介词to引出。表示“忠于”“致力到此结束了?。
致力于做某事的英语有哪些词组? -
致力于做某事的英语词组有:be committed to doing sth;be dedicated to doing sth;be devoted to doing sth。可互换。相似词组:使某人致力于做某事:devote oneself to doing ;专心致力于做某事:apply oneself to doing sth。分析:be devoted/dedicated/committed to doing 的结构一样,都是系有帮助请点赞。
be devoted to doing sth -
be opposed to 反对She is strongly opposed to their plan.他强烈反对他们的计划。devote oneself to献身于…She devoted herself to tennis in her teens. 他少女时代热衷网球.。be devoted to 献身于,忠诚于,爱…She is devoted to here husband.他挚爱他的丈夫。be admitted to被…录取, 准进入等我继续说。